Susanna Gartler
Susanna is a social anthropologist who graduated 2011 at the University of Vienna in social and cultural anthropology. Her PhD project focuses on Extractivism and the making of a First Nation cultural centre in the Yukon Territory, Canada. Her research interests include: Critical Indigenous Studies, the Built Environment, Oral history, Environmental anthropology, Climate Change,Sustainability and Arctic Studies.
She was a project collaborator with “LACE – Labour mobility and community participation in the extractive industries:– Yukon”; funded by SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada) and the Yukon Territorial Government through the research program ReSDA (Resources and Sustainable Communities in the Arctic), duration: 2014-2017, project leader: Dr. Gertrude Saxinger
Currently Susanna is a researcher with Nunataryuk– Permafrost thaw and the changing Arctic coast, science for socioeconomic adaptation, and the PI of its social science components in the Beaufort Sea Area in Canada. Project lead (UW, AT): Prof. Peter Schweitzer and overall project lead: Prof. Hugues Lantuit (AWI, DE)
Selected Publications:
2019 with First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun Elders, Hogan, Joella and Gertrude Saxinger: /Dän Hùnày – Our People’s Story. First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun Elders’s Memories and Opinions on Mining/. First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun, ReSDA and Yukon College
2019 with Prof. Peter Schweitzer and Vera Kuklina: Sustainable Cultures and Cultural Sustainability. In: /Arctic Sustainability: A Synthesis of Knowledge. /Petrov, A. & Greybill, J. (eds.). Routledge**
2018/One Word, Many Worlds: The Multivocality of “Subsistence”/. In: Alaska Journal of Anthropology (Vol. 16; no. 2)
2017 with Gertrude Saxinger: /The Mobile Worker’s Guide. Fly-in/Fly-out and rotational shiftwork in mining. Yukon Experiences./Published by: First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun, ReSDA and Yukon College
2014 Subsistenz: Eine Anthropologische Begriffsanalyse. AV Akademiker Verlag.
APRI – Austrian Polar Research Institute
Reserach Group Saxinger and Schweitzer
GKS – Gesellschaft für Kanadastudien,
Sektion Indigenous und Cultural Studies