Joint Lecture: “Between Dynamics and Stagnation. Indigenous Minorities, Citizens and the State in Northern Europe and the Russian Federation”
Every Thuesday from Oct 2007- Jan 2008; University of Vienna, Department of Social- and Cultural Anthropology.
The AAS is going to present a number of lectures, which will introduce the audience in the North European-Russian region as well as into the “new” field of Siberia, which has reopened to the western scholars after the fall of the iron curtain. With this joint lecture the AAS extends the range of lectures on the arctic at the University of Vienna such as the introduction lectures on North America (Dr. Verena Traeger) and Siberia (Dr. Peter Schweitzer).
The main issues will centre around two topics: First, the relations between indigenous peoples, citizens and state, which in Siberia is also characterized by the concepts of “centre-periphery” and the colonial idea of a “frontier”; second, the social dynamics, which in Siberia today are determined by the socio-cultural mobility and the economic migration of its inhabitants.
The members of the AAS and guests lecturers will provide theoretical and historical analyses besides detailed descriptions of the peoples’ life situation in urban and rural Russia, Siberia, Buriatia, the Far East, Finland and the Baltic countries.
Stefan Bauer: Einführung in das Thema und die Region
Stefan Donecker: Pionierethos und Grenzerfahrung. Zur Diskursivität der “Frontier”
Aline Ehrenfried: Die Indianer Sibiriens – Kooperationen und Erfahrungsaustausch zweier Kontinenten
Aline Ehrenfried: Der Sibirische Polar Zensus von 1926. Bevölkerungsstatistik und die Konstruktion von sozialen Realitäten
Stefan Bauer: Indigene Minderheiten der Russländischen Föderation
Stefen Krist: Traditionelle Sportwettkämpfe im Wandel
Markus Hirnsperger: Ethnologie und Nationalismus in Finnland
Markus Hirnsperger: Rote Ethnographie – Strategien der Repräsentation indigener Völker in der ethnographischen Literatur der Sowjetunion
Igor Eberhard: Tätowierungen in der Arktis
Stefan Pohlmann: Zivilgesellschaft in Russland
Evelyn Rainer: Chinesischer Drache & Russische Schönheit
Gertrude Eilmsteiner-Saxinger: Urbanes Leben – Stadtentwicklung und Integration
Gertrude Eilmsteiner-Saxinger: Migration – Ideologie, Politik, Notwendigkeit und Wunsch
Stefan Krist & Thomas Northoff: Aufwändige Botschaften aus Sibirien – Textgrafitti in sibirischen Regionen Burjatien, Irkutsk, Mirny (Sacha)