“A Southern Perspective on the North”
“With the Head up North”

More than ‘Nature’

Research on Infrastructure and Settlements in the North

edited by Doris Friedrich, Markus Hirnsperger, and Stefan Bauer
Series: Beiträge zum zirkumpolaren
Norden — Contributions to Circumpolar
Studies, Band 3 — volume 3

Vienna: Lit-Verlag, 2022

x, 332 p.: ill., maps, includes bibliographical references, Paperback,
ISBN 978-3-643-91218-3,
Ebook: 29,90 EUR / paperback: 34,90 Eur

The Arctic is often associated with pristine wilderness, natural resources, and climate change. Yet settlements and infrastructure, which have received less attention, play a significant role in Arctic environments. Extractive industries, military activities, and scientific undertakings have driven the expansion of infrastructures.

This book presents current research on Northern towns and Arctic and Subarctic infrastructure. It examines historical developments, the shaping of environments, sustainability, future planning, and associated living conditions, mainly from a social science perspective.

Doris Friedrich is a Senior Fellow at the Arctic Institute and a PhD student at the University of Vienna, focusing on Arctic human-environment relations.

Markus Hirnsperger holds an MA and PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology and Slavic Studies. His research interests include history and nationalism.

Stefan Bauer works as storage manager at the Weltmuseum Wien. His research (MA) focused on Indigenous minorities in Russia (culture, economy, and politics).

For table of contents and preview chapers see:

For details and orders (publisher’s website):

Working title: “More than ‘Nature’: Research on Infrastructure and Settlements in the North”

The Working Group Arctic and Subarctic in Vienna invites scholars to contribute to an edited volume to be published in the fall of 2020. While the Arctic seems inevitably linked to pristine wilderness, climate change, and endangered animal species in popular imagination, the presence of villages, towns and cities, and the infrastructures they rely on, have largely been overlooked and underrepresented. One could argue that, historically, the extraction of resources and their transportation from the North have been prime reasons for the development of infrastructure and the establishment of settlements in the Arctic and Subarctic. In addition to purely economic motivations, ideological, military, political and strategic considerations have played and continue to play important roles.

The aim of this book is to showcase contemporary research about Northern towns and Arctic and Subarctic infrastructures, as well as related aspects and phenomena, mainly from a social science perspective.

The themes and topics of the contributions include but are not limited to:
• Arctic infrastructure
• Living conditions in the Arctic
• Research methods
• Urban-rural relations
• Center-periphery relations
• City life
• Urbanity

We invite contributions from the following disciplines, among others:
• Urban Studies
• Social and Cultural Anthropology
• History
• Northern Studies
• Geography
• Sociology

Interested scholars are encouraged to send an abstract of 200–300 words to the editors by May 15, 2019. Invitations to contribute will be made by June 30, 2019. The deadline for the submission of the article will be October 30, 2019. Peer-review feedback will be sent by February 15, 2020. Submission of the revised articles is due May 15, 2020.

Editors: Working Group Arctic and Subarctic (Doris Friedrich, Markus Hirnsperger, Stefan Bauer)
E-mail: book@sub-arctic.ac.at, Website: www.sub-arctic.ac.at/book


December 1st, 2015, 7pm, Depot, Breite Gasse 3, Vienna

Editors: Sophie Panzer, Christina Simmel
Authors: Suzanne Bontemps, Sophie Panzer, Christina Simmel
Glossary: Gertrude Saxinger

Gazprom City – a report about life at the other end of the gas pipeline: ‘If you’re at home and you want to make yourself a nice cup of coffee in the morning, and you turn on the stove but there is no gas, then you know that something must have happened in Novy Urengoy.’ What connects Europe to a city in the polar circle? The Gazprom company exploits the gas fields around Novy Urengoy. More than half of the natural gas extracted in Russia is produced there. A substantial portion of this gas is exported to European countries.

Buch Grönland (Flyer)

Wiener Forschungen zu Arktis und Subarktis

Book cover "Wege zum Norden"

edited by Stefan Donecker, Igor Eberhard, and Markus Hirnsperger
Series: Beiträge zum zirkumpolaren
Norden — Contributions to Circumpolar
Studies, Band 2 — volume 2

Vienna: Lit-Verlag, 2013

x, 182 p.: ill., maps, Includes bibliographical references, Paperback,
ISBN 978-3643504975,
19,90 EUR

Die österreichischen Forscher Julius Payer und Carl Weyprecht mussten im Jahr 1873 auf der Suche nach dem Nordpol einen eisigen und dunklen Winter auf Franz-Josef-Land überstehen. Heute, 140 Jahre später, gibt es andere Wege in den Norden. In diesem Band demonstrieren Wiener Forscherinnen und Forscher die Bandbreite ihrer Zugänge zum zirkumpolaren Norden. Die Beiträge behandeln moderne grönländische Fischfangmethoden, Fernpendler auf sibirischen Gasfeldern, die postsowjetische Zivilgesellschaft, Ethnologie und Nationalismus in Finnland, den Wiener Forscher und Sammler Josef Troll sowie die Sibirien-Sammlung von Julius Bryner, dem Großvater des Schauspielers Yul Brynner. Frühneuzeitliche Bilder des Nordens als Orte von Hexerei und Teufelswerk werden modernen Motiven in George R. R. Martins Fantasyromanen gegenübergestellt.

See details on the publisher’s homepage.

Biography, Shift-labour and Socialisation in a Northern Industrial
City – The Far North: Particularities of Labour and Human Socialisation

Gertrude Eilmsteiner-Saxinger, Florian Stammler (eds.). 2010.
Biography, Shift-labour and Socialisation in a Northern Industrial City – The Far North: Particularities of Labour and Human Socialisation. Proceedings of the International Conference in Novy Urengoy, Russia, 4th – 6th December 2008.

The volume is one of the outcomes of the research project BOREAS–MOVE–INNOCOM, funded by the Finnish Academy, decision 118702 as well as of the research project funded by the FWF Austrian Science Fund (P22066-G17) “Lives on the Move–Vakhtoviki in North-western Siberia” conducted at the Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna with Prof. Heinz Fassmann as project leader.

Link [pdf]: https://raumforschung.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/inst_geograph/BOOK_Biography-ShiftLabour-Socialisation-Russian_North.pdf

Detection of snow surface thawing and refreezing in the Eurasian Arctic using QuikSCAT: implications for reindeer herding

Bartsch, A., Kumpula, T., Forbes, B., Stammler, F. 2010.
Detection of snow surface thawing and refreezing in the Eurasian Arctic using QuikSCAT: implications for reindeer herding.
Ecological Applications 20:2346–2358.


Titel: Commuting to the Siberian Far North – when Extreme becomes Normality.

Gertrude Eilmsteiner-Saxinger
TRANS Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 17.
Februar 2010

Link: http://www.inst.at/trans/17Nr/4-5/4-5_eilmsteiner-saxinger.htm

The Lion, the Witch and the Walrus. Images of the Sorcerous North in
the 16th and 17th centuries

Stefan Donecker. 2010.
The Lion, the Witch and the Walrus. Images of the Sorcerous North in the 16th and 17th centuries.
TRANS – Internetzeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 17.

Link: http://www.inst.at/trans/17Nr/4-5/4-5_donecker.htm

Book presentation “Bruchlinien im Eis. Ethnologie des zirkumpolaren Nordens”

by S. Bauer, S. Donecker, A. Ehrenfried, M. Hirnsperger (Hg.),

March 14th, 2005; Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Universitätsstraße 7, A – 1010 Wien

We are presenting our first publication of the edition “Ethnologie des zirkumpolaren Nordens”. The edition involves the working group members research results. We want to celebrate this moment and want to share it with other people. Everybody is welcome!