“A Southern Perspective on the North”
“With the Head up North”

CfP: Labour Mobility and Community Sustainability

Call for Papers: Labour Mobility and Community Sustainability – The Impact of Extractive Industries in the Arctic

ICASS VIII, Prince George, British Columbia, Canada
May 22 – 26, 2014

Mining operations and oil and gas projects in the Arctic and Sub-arctic usually take place in remote areas or offshore and primarily in distance from larger urban agglomerations. This remoteness leads to the need for a highly flexible workforce in terms of spatial as well as temporal mobility. This session brings together issues of labour mobility and community sustainability and welcomes papers touching on the following topics: 1, sketch of life-plans as well as coping with challenges and positive effects related to mobility on part of individuals; 2, changes in the community fabrics and in the ways such communities cope with the impact of labour mobility; 3, effects of industry-related in-migration to regional centers; 4, interactions of inter-regional FIFO workers with the local communities and with the environment; 5, the politics surrounding labour mobility, as well as the policies of various levels of government and of companies in relation to labour mobility; 6, the politics and economics of transportation infrastructure. The panel is fully open to the broad range of related topics raised by scholars and practitioners. In epistemological terms we aim to explore the notions of community development, hierarchies and inequality, ethical challenges and, mobility in general etc.

Session Convenors:
Gerti Eilmsteiner-Saxinger
Remy Rouillard
Contact: rr455@cam.ac.uk

Please submit your paper proposals using the ICASS VIII submission form (http://resweb.res.unbc.ca/icass2014/ICASSVIII_Abstract_submittal_form_pdf_final.pdf) and indicate that you intend to contribute to the session on “Facing the Monstrous North”. Completed forms should be sent to IASSA Secretary, Cher Mazo (mazo@unbc.ca). The deadline for application is December 17, 2013.

You can find additional information on ICASS VIII at the conference website http://resweb.res.unbc.ca/icass2014/index.htm. Students, early career researchers, indigenous participants, and participants from Russia and other countries who have limited means to attend may apply for travel funding. Please refer to the conference website for details.